FanTastic Zoolander Night a Roma: foto di Ben Stiller e del cast
Zoolander 2, l’ultimo film di Ben Stiller e Owen Wilson, arriverà nelle sale cinematografiche l’11 febbario. Intanto, però, sabato 30 gennaio si è svolto a Roma l’evento aperto ai fan al quale ha preso parte il cast del film diretto da Ben Stiller. Durante l’evento romano hanno sfilato l’attore americano biondo Owen Wilson, Will Ferrell e Justin Theoroux. Qui di seguito le foto della FanTastic Zoolander Night, una serata bella bella in modo assurdo!
FanTastic Zoolander Night: Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Will Ferrell e Justin Theoroux
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Ben Stiller attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Ben Stiller
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Justin Theroux attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Justin Theroux
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Justin Theroux attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Justin Theroux
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Will Ferrell (L) and Owen Wilson attend the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Will Ferrell; Owen Wilson
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: (L-R) Will Ferrell, Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller and Justin Theroux attend the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Will Ferrell; Owen Wilson; Ben Stiller; Justin Theroux
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: (L-R) Will Ferrell, Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller and Justin Theroux attend the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Will Ferrell; Owen Wilson; Ben Stiller; Justin Theroux
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Owen Wilson attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Owen Wilson
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Owen Wilson attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Owen Wilson
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Ben Stiller attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Ben Stiller
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Ben Stiller attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Ben Stiller
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Owen Wilson attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Owen Wilson
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Owen Wilson attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Owen Wilson
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Owen Wilson attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Owen Wilson
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Owen Wilson attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Owen Wilson
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Owen Wilson attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Owen Wilson
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Ben Stiller attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Ben Stiller
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Ben Stiller attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Ben Stiller
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Ben Stiller attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Ben Stiller
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Ben Stiller attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Ben Stiller
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Ben Stiller attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Ben Stiller
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Ben Stiller attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Ben Stiller
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Ben Stiller attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Ben Stiller
- ROME, ITALY – JANUARY 30: Will Ferrell attends the Photocall for the Fan Screening of the Paramount Pictures film ‘Zoolander No. 2’ at ‘Hotel De Russie Garden’ on January 30, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures) *** Local Caption *** Will Ferrell
In Zoolander 2, Derek (Ben Stiller) e Hansel (Owen Wilson) vengono reclutati da Valentina (Penelope Cruz), un agente dell’Interpol che precedentemente aveva avuto una carriera come modella di costumi da bagno, allo scopo di catturare un assassino che prende di mira le persone più belle del mondo. Il primo trailer ha rivelato che la prima vittima della follia omicida dello squilibrato assassino è nientemeno che la pop star Justin Bieber. Altre celebrità che sappiamo verranno eliminate sono: Usher Raymond, Demi Lovato e Miley Cyrus.
Il cast di supporto comprende Will Ferrell (Mugatu) e Christine Taylor (Matilda Jeffries), entrambi presenti anche nel primo Zoolander, insieme ai nuovi aggiunti: Cyrus Arnold, Fred Armisen, Kyle Mooney e Kristen Wiig. La storia è ambientata dieci anni dopo la prima commedia, questa volta i due protagonisti si trovano a dover salvare la vita dei più belli del mondo. Kristen Wiig interpreta il nuovo cattivo Alexanya Atoz. Billy Zane interpreterà uno dei buoni amici di Derek Zoolander. Il primo trailer ha stabilito un nuovo record per la commedia: 52,2 milioni di visualizzazioni in una sola settimana. Ben Stiller dirige da una sceneggiatura di Justin Theroux, che ha scritto anche lo script di Tropic Thunder, film del 2008 che ha visto alla regia sempre Ben Stiller (anche tra gli interpreti nel cast del film). La produzione ha avuto luogo all’inizio di quest’anno negli studi di Cinecittà di Roma, per ben 12 settimane.