Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, svelati i character design per Miles e altri personaggi
Svelati alcuni studi preparatori per i costumi di Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Miguel O'Hara e altri Spider-persone.
Per cinque anni i fan dello Spider-Man di Miles Morales hanno atteso il sequel Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, e non sono rimasti certamente delusi. Il recente film d’animazione prodotto da Sony, marca il consolidamento dell’amore che i fan hanno per il personaggio, dopo il grande successo che il precedente film, Spider-Man: Un nuovo universo, aveva ottenuto nel 2018.
Nel sequel, stavolta diretto da Joaquim Dos Santos, Kemp Powers e Justin K. Thompson, veniamo introdotti ad una moltitudine di nuovi personaggi oltre che ad un aggiornamento dei personaggi del primo capitolo, soprattutto di Miles e di Gwen Stacy, cresciuti nel corso dell’anno in cui non li abbiamo visti. Ora che il film è uscito da un paio di settimane la crew del film d’animazione ha iniziato a mostrare al pubblico alcuni studi preparatori per i design dei vari personaggi, regalando ai fan i retroscena che stanno dietro la costruzione dei personaggi.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, il character designer ci mostra gli studi preparatori dei personaggi

Kris Anka, costume e character designer di Across the Spider-Verse ha pubblicato vari post su Twitter mostrando a pubblico e fan del film d’animazione Sony gli studi preparatori dietro la creazione dei personaggi e dei loro costumi da Spider-Man/Woman. Di seguito vi mostriamo i character studies pubblicati da Anka per Spider-Man 2099, Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, ma anche per alcuni personaggi che abbiamo visto brevemente, o anche solo di sfuggita, come Spider-Byte, Sun-Spider, Spider-UK, Web-Slinger, Widow (Web-Slinger Pt. 2) e Spider-Canada.
Ecco alcuni studi preparatori del design di Miguel O’Hara, conosciuto anche come Spider-Man 2099. Anka, character designer scrive del personaggio: “Mi hanno chiesto di portare completamente nuove idee per i personaggio, assicurandomi che fosse aggressivo e audace, un corpo diverso dagli altri spiders.” Anka ha anche scritto riguardo a Miguel: “mi hanno assegnato il compito di implementare anche simbologie delle culture Mesoamericane nel costume“, rispecchiando così le origini messicane del personaggio.
This will be my master thread on my work on #SpiderMan2099 #AcrossTheSpiderVerse
These pieces were from my first day on the job. I was asked to do an entirely fresh take on the character, making sure he felt aggressive and bold, a different body build from the other spiders too pic.twitter.com/LD4mlK0FYE
— kris anka (@kristaferanka) June 5, 2023
Working on top of the paint job by Jake Panian, I spent months looking at ancient art and current textiles to draw inspiration from and see how far we could take the design without it being too busy. Making sure the logo read as an 8-legged spider was a priority too pic.twitter.com/RVnlQuzDaB
— kris anka (@kristaferanka) June 9, 2023
Passando alla creazione del nuovo costume del personaggio di Miles Morales, Kris Anka ha spiegato: “Ho faticato molto a trovare qualcosa di nuovo riguardo al costume, ma mantenendo gli aspetti che funzionavano del costume visto in ITSV [Into the Spider-Verse].“
My man #MilesMorales
MIles was probably one of the hardest assignments conceptually for me. I struggled greatly finding something new with the costume but also holding on to what worked about the ITSV costume. these were done over the course of 5 months.#AcrossTheSpiderVerse pic.twitter.com/cK4z9SFhRW— kris anka (@kristaferanka) June 12, 2023
My final pass on Miles, which ironically was the first time I really felt like I was doing something fresh with him.
From here it went off to Character Painter @willcoyner to work with the directors to get to the final suit look. pic.twitter.com/AM9tNdaYTQ— kris anka (@kristaferanka) June 13, 2023
Ecco anche alcuni look per il resto dei personaggi prima enunciati, tra cui Gwen.
So #spidergwen
We knew we didn’t really want to change the formula for her, we wanted a costume that felt different, but the same.
One of my goals was to see if I could get an actual spider logo on her.#AcrossTheSpiderverse pic.twitter.com/R7gMRH2Lw7— kris anka (@kristaferanka) June 10, 2023
Some of my #Spiderbyte work
Was really fun to figure out how to show a digital character that didn’t look like Miguel or Lyla. #AcrossTheSpiderVerse pic.twitter.com/N9MjMBTnUH— kris anka (@kristaferanka) June 14, 2023
#SunSpider was absolutely one of my favorite assignments on the film.
I poured over @dayn_does_comix original designs to include as many design markers as I could, while trying to see if I could plus up the design.
Had to make the wheelchair a mech that could follow her around. pic.twitter.com/jP9sfD0AFS— kris anka (@kristaferanka) June 15, 2023
The idea was to always give her a hijab, so I took a wide look at different ways to wear it, but especially athletic versions. Swimmers uniforms was a big inspiration for me, but I also needed to consult hijab wearers on correct construction#AcrossTheSpiderVerse pic.twitter.com/salrUtiC9w— kris anka (@kristaferanka) June 16, 2023
#WebSlinger was one of the most fun assignments I had. Spent months exploring all kinds of different cowboys and cowgirls until we settled on something a bit more classic. This is one of the characters I spent a lot of time getting the details right.#AcrossTheSpiderVerse pic.twitter.com/6FruIG5fgH
— kris anka (@kristaferanka) June 17, 2023
With #Widow the details were really important. I spent a ton of time doing research, and asking several friends who had been riding for their whole lives so i could understand everything I could about saddle construction. A lot of of job is highlighting details so it translates. pic.twitter.com/IV95bVSNYP
— kris anka (@kristaferanka) June 17, 2023
For #SpiderCanada I worked pretty heavily with @okeefe_artist who had a very clear direction and wanted the suit based on the 1972 Team Canada Summit Series jersey#AcrossTheSpiderVerse pic.twitter.com/74rqTUeupY
— kris anka (@kristaferanka) June 18, 2023
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